Ask any mum, especially a new mum, how she is, and these are the two words commonly heard : busy, tired.
That was my standard answer too, for awhile after having Miss 2. Those sleepless nights trying to figure out what the fuss was about, reading up on parenting and settling babies, trying to get some sleep for my own sanity's sake, etc. I'm sure that with more children in the household, the madness increases.
Read this article on Kidspot : "Why don't friends with kids have time?"
One look at the title and you'd know that it was asked by someone who isn't a parent, or haven't been in contact with children enough.
The question was sent in to the Washington Post in 2007 and the journalist who responded gave her a blast!
I enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope you did too!
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
That.Is.Gold!!! Thanks for sharing Yining. I think some husbands need to read that too.