"Abba Changes Everything" is an article on Christianity Today on adoption. It looks at adoption as a physical matter but brings in the parallel in the Bible that all Christians are adopted children of God.
Truth be told, I have, since I can't remember when, thought of adopting children. Yes, I love to have my own children, and already have one, but knowing that there are millions of them out there in the world with no parents to love them somehow makes me guilty of having my own.
Children are such precious things and I cannot help but sympathise with those who have lost their parents, whether by natural disasters or by man (abandonment, accidents, etc.).
This article is quite long, but the words tugged at my heart. Russell D. Moore, the writer, wrote :
After all, there are no "adopted children" of God, as an ongoing category. Adoption tells us how we came into the family of God. And once we are here, no distinction is drawn between those at the dinner table.
I don't know if I will ever adopt or not. It is very costly to start with and the procedure long. But I know that there are little things that I can do to help. Perhaps running the Read-a-thon Challenge on Ling's List's Facebook page wasn't as impulsive as I later thought it was.
The Read-a-thon Challenge will finish this Friday, 9 July 2010 at 6pm QLD time. It is a challenge for people to read as many books as possible in 2 weeks for me to donate books to Backpacks 4 Aussie Kids, a non-profit group made up of like-minded volunteers who prepare backpacks for foster children.
Came to know of foster care when I started working as a day care mum. Since then, and even before we started trying for a baby, I told my husband that I would like to adopt if I cannot bear children and foster care is another option that I will leave open too.
Until it becomes a nagging prompt from the Holy Spirit, I'll stick to having children of my own and give to those in need for the time being.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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