Just when we thought that Miss 2 is sleeping through the night, done with her teething for now, she came up with something else. Not really sure what it was. My guess would be either dreams or needing to urinate.
She is definitely more aware of her bladder and bowel movements as well as what goes on in her brain at night. There were times when she woke up screaming for mummy and would say that she's frightened. Slept in her room most of last night and could hear her calling out once in awhile in fright. Then there were times when she sounded like she was very uncomfortable and wanted to get out of something.
Apparently children do dream after googling on dreams and toddlers. They start dreaming as soon as they were born. This website, www.drgreene.com has an article on dreams and night terrors. You can read more about it here.
As much as I'd like to remove all forms of fear from my child, I realise too that it is a part of growing up. Learning to overcome fear is a form of problem solving and understanding oneself.
If dreams were not the reason of her wakings last night, then my next guess would be the need to urinate. She does tell us most times that she needs to go to the toilet. Sometimes after she has done it in her nappy, sometimes before. We put her up on the toilet anyway and let her decide in her own time when she can be in panties totally.
There are differing theories and methods to toilet training, and I agree to most that parents need to make a conscious effort in helping and guiding them to the toilet. However, as far as I am concerned, that's about all that a parent can do - to teach them what and how to do it. After that, it is up to the children to want to be on the toilet all the time.
Perhaps it is a security and comfort thing for children to want to get it done in their nappies. It is also probably the last thing that they can use to retain their 'babyhood'. Once that is gone, they would be 'all grown up'. So, I must say that it is really up to the child to move on in its life. After all, we are teaching children to make decisions and not force a decision upon them.
Hopefully, we'll have a better night tonight.
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