My daughter will be pooing me into poverty at the rate that she's disposing of the disposable nappies.
She seemed to have a better sense of her bowel movements and that unfortunately also meant that she wanted a change of nappies everytime she did a wee or a poo. She'd still insist on sitting on the toilet before being changed though.
So, my only other alternative is to look up cloth nappies and came across Monk N Bear. They're much cheaper compared to other cloth nappies online and quality and review seemed to be on par.
I've asked for a couple of nappies and extra inserts, but because the inserts are out of stock, I'll have to wait a few more weeks before I can get hold of my cloth nappies.
I've chosen to go with Monk N Bear not only because of its cheaper price, but also because the nappies work a bit differently from others. Some brands have different sizes for different ages, but Monk N Bear is a one size fits all. The other thing I like about it is that the inserts can be removed and replaced, instead of changing the whole nappy. The inserts are clip-ons over the waterproof cloth nappy and can be removed when soiled. Less washing to be done and money saving too.
Looking forward to the nappies and will be trying them on Miss 2 once they arrive!
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
Hi Yining,
ReplyDeletejust wondering how things are going with these nappies? Do you like them? Would you still recommend them?
Hi Sandy, thanks for the reminder!! I love them. Will put up a post on them.