The end of January started with cyclone Oswald hitting us and water rising everywhere. I am thankful that the winds and rains died down when school started. Kept a close watch on the QLD Education's website for school closure notices.
Our school is not affected, but a few schools in the neighbouring suburbs had to close for one more day for power to be restored.
Husband and I went with Miss 5 on the first day of school. Not to help her settle in, but needed an extra pair of hands to carry a box of school stationery, books and folders.
It's been a tiring first week. Learning to get to school on time and finding a parking space. we've been leaving the house earlier and earlier. A 10-mins drive during off-peak hours now takes half an hour. Rush hour traffic is terrible and parking is almost non-existent.
What are all these cars doing at the same spot for so long, I wonder! Unfortunately, there are children who don't settle in well and parents have no choice but to stay and settle them.
Miss 20 months has been excited about going to her older sister's big school. She gets to walk the big grass compound and play on the play equipment. She's still too small for them, but she would hold on to the handlebars for dear life!
When school finishes, we always stayed for some afternoon tea which the girls enjoyed. Having afternoon tea in school just meant that I don't have to clean up at home! Yeah!
Dinner started at 6:15pm the first night. It has now progressed to 5:50pm on Friday night. I think, we'll be having dinners about that time.
It's good to have the girls in bed early and the husband and I get our time to get work done or even just to chat, without feeling the rush to get things done.
My Preppie complained about having sandwiches for lunch in the first week already. Bought a few different things for her to try this week. School lunches are really a chore. I spent my school days at the tuckshop and never had lunch packed. Coming to Australia really does bring a whole new lot of experiences!
Off to bed now, for another new day, another new week. Let's see how we go this week.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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