Miss 3 has started her kindy at a nearby childcare centre since the last week of April. So far, she's been happy during her days there, except for the parting tears.
Yesterday, she said that she didn't want to go to kindy because she doesn't like a 'bad' teacher. Children can't lie. They're so real. They imitate and they remember. Apparently, the 'bad' teacher told her to sleep but she didn't want to. She only wanted to sleep at home with me.
We asked her then, when mummy and daddy tell you to sleep and keep repeating ourselves, does that mean that we're 'bad' parents? She said no.
This morning when I dropped her off, she pointed out the 'bad' teacher. I don't think there's anything bad about the teacher, and truly they do get tired looking after a bunch of preschoolers. Unfortunately, the 'bad' teacher came to pick her from me and she screamed more than she did before.
I'm glad to have another day to myself to do things before baby comes along, but felt sorry for my precious one. She has learnt to dislike and instead of seeing everything as good, there is a negative side to things. It's part of growing up, I suppose, but it hurts to know that a pure and innocent spirit has to change. I hope my children will keep their innocence and simplicity towards life, but still be watchful of danger.
It was good when God created the universe and everything in it, but sin has caused it to change...
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