Not that I'm doing the toilet training much. Little Miss 3 has been keeping herself dry at night and we haven't had to change her sheets since she decided to wear her panties to bed about 2 weeks ago.
She's probably been dry for a long time now, but we're just too lazy to get her into her panties at night. But I'm glad we went with her suggestion to go without nappies because it's saving us tons of money!
I've heard so much horror stories of parents waking up in the night to change sheets and some had to change the mattress because there was just so much wee, I have held back with the night time toilet training. Another excuse? I was horribly sick with morning sickness.
But one good advice given by all parents is : Do not rush, let your child decide at their own time.
How very true! It really saved us a lot of hard work and sleepless nights. No doubt the expenses spent in buying and throwing away nappies was huge, but we're glad we let her decide on her own. Hopefully this next bub will follow in her sister's footsteps and be just as mature and well-behaved.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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