I'm exasperated by Miss 2.5 today. Refused to sleep. Cried and talked to herself for 1.5 hrs until I went in, made her shut up and lie down. Turned on some soft music and she fell asleep within 5 minutes.
It is especially annoying when I had other children trying to sleep.
For the first time, I felt like slapping her. Don't know where that thought came from, but I know I was boiling. Thank God, I didn't. Told her she's not getting any afternoon tea if she didn't sleep.
It's human nature, isn't it? I fight sleep too. Except, I probably am a little wiser in knowing that I won't be able to survive the following day if I don't get any decent rest.
Sigh, thank God for His grace and redemption. Our old sinful nature is always at work and needs the Holy Spirit's guidance all the time.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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