With Miss 2 growing up so quickly, she is also picking up on stories and thoughts from other children. Most of the time, she doesn't quite understand what they mean and would ask me. Things like Santa and reindeers, aliens, Jesus dying on the cross, etc..
She accepts the answer when I tell her that Santa and reindeers flying is just a story but Jesus was real and he died on the cross just as the Bible told us so.
Then, as a day care mum, I've had children being excited about Easter bunnies and Santa Claus and though I look forward to these occasions, I also tell them that the rabbits and flying Santa and reindeers are just stories. Those times, it hurt more when I told them the truth.
I'm not even looking at spiritual teaching, but when children are told by someone else that Santa, reindeers, tooth fairies, rabbits, etc are not real, their little bubble seemed to burst somewhat.
Part of me says it's ok, they need to learn the truth one day, so better be from young. The other part of me says they're still young. Let them have the excitement of meeting Santa and the tooth fairy. But, the spiritual side of me says no to not telling them what is right.
I find it even more difficult when children from Christian families tell me that these icons are real. What do I tell them? That their parents lied?
I cannot avoid my own chid(ren) from learning about these festivity icons or other mythical people, either from the West or from my own Chinese culture. But my stand towards these stories is just that - stories. My children can learn about them because they are a part of the society's upbringing, but I'll stick to my side of the story and let them know that they are only myths.
It hurts to tell the truth, and it probably hurts for them to learn the truth. But if I were to insist that my children speak only the truth to others, then I think that even stories have to be differentiated between the myth and the truth and that I, as the parent, have the responsibility to tell them that what they're listening to is only a story.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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