A big thank you to all friends and family who have read the previous blog post and commented either personally or via email. Thank you all for your understanding and support. God has given me the peace of mind when we made the decision. It was a huge step for me, as day care was the source of income to fund the online bookstore, Ling's List. Blogging this post to explain what I will be doing after day care.
I am happier now that I can do my laundry while children are here, clearing up more time over the weekends to prepare for church and meet up with friends. Not having to write in all the different forms and papers does lighten the load considerably.
With day care finished, I can concentrate on Ling's List better. More time can be spent in marketing the site and products. There'll also be more time to build up relationship with other churches in letting them know of Chinese Christian resources available in Brisbane.
And what happened to my day care children? Most of them are children of friends, so they'll still be coming. Most of them pay me a small sum to cover the day's activities. Not that I mind how much they give. I can now enjoy playing with children without having to remember what they did. And to be honest, with 4-7 children doing things at the same time, it is a challenge to my pea brain to remember and record their developmental observations.
I'm not the best day care mum around. Only been in this work for 4 years, when others continued for 20-30 years!
Where finances are concerned, hubby is happy for me to just take care of our household needs and run the family well. I did, however, call up the relevant government departments asking for information to private care.
One option is that I can register myself as a babysitter/nanny. They call it the "Registered Carer". With this, I can accept payment and give families their due CCB. But no Child Care Rebates will be given to the families. So, families pay the full sum and claim their benefits with the receipts from Centrelink.
Another option is to run my own independent day care, fully licensed and with insurances, so that parents get the full government benefits. But, by doing so, I'll be putting myself into the whole cycle of paperwork once again.
The last option is to run it privately. No benefits, no insurance. Which is what I'm doing now. Parents give what they want, what they can.
Who knows, I might register myself eventually to be an official nanny/babysitter.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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