Monday, August 16, 2010

Still fighting sleep at 2.5years old

I'm exasperated by Miss 2.5 today. Refused to sleep. Cried and talked to herself for 1.5 hrs until I went in, made her shut up and lie down. Turned on some soft music and she fell asleep within 5 minutes.

It is especially annoying when I had other children trying to sleep.

For the first time, I felt like slapping her. Don't know where that thought came from, but I know I was boiling. Thank God, I didn't. Told her she's not getting any afternoon tea if she didn't sleep.

It's human nature, isn't it? I fight sleep too. Except, I probably am a little wiser in knowing that I won't be able to survive the following day if I don't get any decent rest.

Sigh, thank God for His grace and redemption. Our old sinful nature is always at work and needs the Holy Spirit's guidance all the time. Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, August 5, 2010

What your name, mummy?

Last night at dinner, Miss 2 asked, "What your name, mummy?" at dinner time. In English.

We're constantly surprised at her grasp and understanding of English from Sunday School, MOPPETS and other children.

She speaks English with a Kiwi accent because I babysit these two girls whose mother is from New Zealand. Miss 2's constant, "Mummy, come he-yar!" and "Don't!" (with an emphasis on the 't') is a reflection of what the girls say to each other.

Today, she decided to give her rabbit doll a name : Rabbit. I can foresee role play coming soon. One of my dreaded types of play since growing up. Sigh.. The last few years as a day care mum gave me a bit more insight to the benefits of it, but I'm still not too keen to pretend play.

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I was updating my Blogger profile and came to this section asking for Work information. First up, Industry. I selected 'Internet' without thinking twice. I'm done with 'Education' for Family Day Care and was happy to change the industry to something else. They didn't have 'Retail', so I picked the next sensible one.

After that was 'Occupation'. What do I write? I had to stop and think about it. What is my occupation? I run my own business, but I'm more than just a 'Business Owner'. I'm my own PR, Marketing, Admin, Accountant, Cleaner, .... Ended up with 'Business Owner' as the occupation title.

As a mum, I find myself struggling with that title too. I'm a 'MUM'. Is that it? Oh, there're other words to it too... Mother, Mummy, Ma...

After being a mum for 2.5 years, I reckon I'm more than a mum. Here's a list of what I think a mum includes :
1. Human resource person : knowing the right people to call for babysitting and play dates.
2. Chef : knowing the right food to cook and serve at the right time.
3. Administrator : getting the household organised for the little things.
4. Cleaner : Other than the usual housework, there's the overflowed poo-ey nappies to clean up, the accidental wees on the carpet, the thrown up milk.
5. Doctor : knowing when to give a dose of hug and kisses; panadol and prescribing plenty of water and rest.
6. Clown : knowing when to be silly with children and when to laugh.
7. Time keeper : the one in the house watching the time and telling everyone to hurry up, be it time to get out of the house or time to go to bed.
8. Teacher : imparting knowledge in every way.
9. Disciplinarian : being firm and keeping to rules even when it breaks my heart to do so.
10. Explorer : Discovering new parks and creatures of nature all the time.

I am very tempted to put my occupation as 'MOTHER' Sphere: Related Content