Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Dreamy baby, creative mum!

Thanks to The Miss K Way for posting! Visited this very creative mum's blog and couldn't help marvel at her patience quick thinking! Reminded me of those cartoon animations! Expected her artwork to move anytime!

You have to read it and I'm sure you'll agree that she's gifted!

Check out Mila's Daydreams. Sphere: Related Content

I'm busy... I'm tired

Ask any mum, especially a new mum, how she is, and these are the two words commonly heard : busy, tired.

That was my standard answer too, for awhile after having Miss 2. Those sleepless nights trying to figure out what the fuss was about, reading up on parenting and settling babies, trying to get some sleep for my own sanity's sake, etc. I'm sure that with more children in the household, the madness increases.

Read this article on Kidspot : "Why don't friends with kids have time?"

One look at the title and you'd know that it was asked by someone who isn't a parent, or haven't been in contact with children enough.

The question was sent in to the Washington Post in 2007 and the journalist who responded gave her a blast!

I enjoyed it thoroughly and I hope you did too! Sphere: Related Content

Friday, July 23, 2010

Busy brain

We've been busy the last few weeks. After Ling's List's Facebook Read-a-thon Challenge for Backpacks for Aussie Kids, I've been helping a fellow mum with her online business setup. The rest of the time was plotting on how to get my online bookstore known.

Started networking with a few other businesses and giving out promotional goodies for their goody bags. Went round to shops to have a look at rental and space.

If you've been to Sunnybank Plaza recently, they have a new shop : mYcube. It's where Coles is, towards Commonwealth Bank. The concept behind mYcube is that retailers rent shelf space to display their products for sale. It is helpful for new businesses trying to get the word out. The lease term requires a minimum of 3 months. Which will come up to about $160 per week. Cheaper than renting a shop front and there's no need to be in store everyday.

This other mum and I are planning on renting from them. We'll have to sit and talk about it a bit more and have a chat with the managers.

The other plot I had was to call on Word bookstore at Eight Mile Plains to ask to rent a shelf space from them. Unfortunately, they said that their store is full and is unable to accommodate any more things. Sigh. I'll give Koorong a try next week. Or the week after. When the church camp finishes.

Checked the casual leasing at the shopping centres and they cost too much to be profitable for a once-off effort.

Southbank markets are also on the list. Will need to get the products photos to be sent in to them for approval. With Southbank, I'll be putting in all sorts of items for sale, not just the books. Gifts and souvenirs seem to be selling better at these markets. Oh well, I'll include the books too.

Also working on rebranding Ling's List. Time for a new look, I think. Spent the last 3 weeks talking to husband, sister and praying about changing names to a more Christiany (if there's such a word!) shop to reflect the Christian focus. But eventually decided against it, because Ling's List sounds more personal.

Will be registering the name as an official business name by the end of the year and will be trading officially under "Ling's List".

Thought of purchasing a caravan and doing it up as a mobile bookstore. But don't have the thousands of dollars to do it. We'll shelf that till later.

So, apart from business craze, it's also household maintenance and looking after children. Babysitting. It was great to be able to still be in pyjamas till lunch for a few days a week! haha!

We've also decided to rear some chickens. My reason? To eat away the grass so that I can attempt to plant things. Weeding is too much work on that big backyard of ours. Saw these battery hens up for adoption. We had a lengthy discussion on it. Initially wanted chicks so that P can learn about the growth of chickens. But reading about the battery hens made us want to adopt them all the more. You can read about them here. This is a home-based project run by a family. They do the purchases once in a while and find homes for the hens. Our work now is to design and make a coop for them. This will be interesting... Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Accidental mother?

Can anyone be an accidental mother? This would be the 2nd time I've heard of something like that. The first one was from somewhere in the world where the doctors didn't know that the woman was pregnant and thought that she had a huge cyst in her womb. Read that some years back. Can't remember the country.

This is the 2nd time I've read something like that. This lady was rushed to the hospital due to severe period-like pains that didn't go away. You can read the article here.

After being pregnant twice, I thought any adult would've suspected something amiss after 2-3 months of missed cycle? I did. Mine is irregular enough to come once every 1-3 months. If I don't start bleeding at the 3rd month, something is wrong. How is it possible then, to not know that the body isn't 'well'?

I pray and hope that my children will protect themselves from pre-martial sex. Both males and females. It is a huge responsibility to undertake for those who are not ready. Sphere: Related Content

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Abba Changes Everything

"Abba Changes Everything" is an article on Christianity Today on adoption. It looks at adoption as a physical matter but brings in the parallel in the Bible that all Christians are adopted children of God.

Truth be told, I have, since I can't remember when, thought of adopting children. Yes, I love to have my own children, and already have one, but knowing that there are millions of them out there in the world with no parents to love them somehow makes me guilty of having my own.

Children are such precious things and I cannot help but sympathise with those who have lost their parents, whether by natural disasters or by man (abandonment, accidents, etc.).

This article is quite long, but the words tugged at my heart. Russell D. Moore, the writer, wrote :
After all, there are no "adopted children" of God, as an ongoing category. Adoption tells us how we came into the family of God. And once we are here, no distinction is drawn between those at the dinner table. 

I don't know if I will ever adopt or not. It is very costly to start with and the procedure long. But I know that there are little things that I can do to help. Perhaps running the Read-a-thon Challenge on Ling's List's Facebook page wasn't as impulsive as I later thought it was.

The Read-a-thon Challenge will finish this Friday, 9 July 2010 at 6pm QLD time. It is a challenge for people to read as many books as possible in 2 weeks for me to donate books to Backpacks 4 Aussie Kids, a non-profit group made up of like-minded volunteers who prepare backpacks for foster children.

Came to know of foster care when I started working as a day care mum. Since then, and even before we started trying for a baby, I told my husband that I would like to adopt if I cannot bear children and foster care is another option that I will leave open too.

Until it becomes a nagging prompt from the Holy Spirit, I'll stick to having children of my own and give to those in need for the time being. Sphere: Related Content

Friday, July 2, 2010

Follow-up checkup after curettage

Had my final follow-up after the curettage in March. Has it been 3 months already?! I hardly remembered it, though the few weeks after it was rather depressing.

My obstetrician said to go back for a checkup after the 2nd period because it took me a long time to clean everything out. So, off I went today, to have a chat with her.

My OB had sent the sacs for reports. Probably part of their routine. We were having fraternal twins. The female one was the first to go and the male one developed well, but didn't make it eventually.

So, from what my OB said, there's a chance of twin pregnancy in my future attempts. Natural birth is possible if they're both head down. But because of my first c-section, she would prefer another c-section if the next pregnancy is a set of twins. The record at Sunnybank Private Hospital was 7 c-sections on one woman. My doctor's record was 5 on a 28 y.o. lady.

I'm going to be praying real hard (not that I haven't been) to have a natural birth. Be it twins or just one. Especially if it's twins. It's bad enough having to cope with pain and sleeplessness with a c-section, I don't need a double dose of it.

At the last Brisbane MOPS training, one of the ladies from another group shared that she had twins and didn't step out of the house till 8 months later!

Babies are something to look forward to, and no matter what happens, we'll be trusting the Lord to bring us through.

So, in case you haven't figured it out, yes, we'll be trying for our next bundle of joy(s). =) Sphere: Related Content