"Mummy, I have a wobbly tooth!" my 5.y.o. yelled out excitedly from the bathroom.
This was early in the year when my 5 y.o. had her first wobbly tooth. She had seen many others with wobbly teeth before her and was looking forward to hers.
"Will the tooth fairy come?" she asked.
"Of course not!" I laughed. "There's no tooth fairy!"
"But why do my friends say that the tooth fairy will leave them money?" she questioned.
"That's just mummies and daddies leaving money for their children" I replied.
"Oh, but I want some money for my tooth," she said.
"I'll give you a dollar for your tooth," I said.
"But Ruby said that the tooth fairy gave her $5," she told me.
Wait a minute. $5?! For a first tooth? Let me get this right. There are 20 baby teeth in her mouth. Does that mean $100 for the lot?
We settled for $2.
Glad we sorted that out.
Now, she has 3 teeth out and collected in a prized tin box. She doesn't ask for money either, just excited to see a new tooth growing strong and well in her mouth. Fascinated, I must say.
And just in case you're wondering, the Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny and Santa Claus do not exist in our house. Just like Cinderella, Rapunzel, Ariel, Snow White etc are fairy tales and do not exist.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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