A few weeks ago I went to Malaysia and Singapore with my family. One thing we noticed before we left, was the use of car seats. There were no regulations that require tourists to use car seats for children.
In Malaysia, car seats were not required even for the locals. In Singapore however, the locals need car seats for their children. Tourists exempted.
Can you imagine the joy my children had without having to buckle the seat belts?!
I was constantly watching them, making sure that they're not up to any mischief and had to look ahead to make sure that the next turn or bump will not fling them out the window.
I'm sure my family and friends will tell me that I worry too much. I must admit that I did!
We are so so so protected by child safety laws in Australia that I know my children are buckled in and safe in the event of an emergency step on the brake.
Even though I had brought toys and books to occupy them on the roads, I wasn't comfortable giving any to them for the fear that they'd lose their balance and hurt themselves.
But one good thing about road trips overseas is that every scenery is new and the children just looked out of the window and take in all the differences they see in a new country.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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