About 4 months ago when my youngest turned 2y.o., I called up a speech pathologist friend. I spoke to her about my child's speech development. Well, more like lack of development.
We speak Mandarin at home, she is exposed to and understands English through playgroup and church activities, and we use Auslan as much as we can.
So, when I called up this friend, I told her that my 2 y.o. only says 5 words. For both English and Mandarin combined. She told me to make a record of words that the little one says and the signs that she knows and we'll compare in a month's time.
When I heard that, my first thought was, "Of course! Record, record, record! Why didn't I think of that?!"
I kept records of her activities and diet from birth, but never thought of keeping a record for her speech.
Anyway, I started recording and found out that she has about 50 signs but her verbal vocabulary did not exceeed 10 words. It'd take her a week to say a new sound, but she signs straight away and remembers it. Is she a visual person and not an auditory one?
After a month, my friend and I chatted and she said that my 2 y.o. is on par with others her age. She is learning 3 languages and for her, sign is more dominant. I was told to expect delays of at least 6 months for her verbal languages to come forth.
I was relieved to hear that, but on the other hand, still frustrated that she's not going the way I wanted it to be.
As parents, we worry all the time. If children are advanced in learning, we worry that the schools are not able to keep up with them. When children are behind their peers, we worry that they cannot catch up and that schools are going too fast. There's no satisfying a worried parent.
However, I took comfort in knowing that my toddler is developing well and according to the average children's benchmark. She's happy, growing and communicating, though not in the way that I had hoped she would.
I was reminded that my Creator God knows what is best for her and has her life and pathways in His plans. He will watch over her growth and needs. I'm here to guide and equip her with the tools for this earthly life. As I place my trust in Jesus Christ, I know that my child will never be lacking in anything with Christ as her Lord.
I put my worried mummy thoughts into His hands and I know that she will talk in her own time. For now, I shall enjoy the peace and quiet while it lasts.
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