On Wednesday, I thought I should get going in learning how to ride my huge bicycle which my husband bought 2 years ago. I can ride a bicycle, but not those with high seats. Are they called mountain bikes? Anyway, I'm just a normal person, trying to learn to use something new with pre-existing skills.
Was going to go onto the neighbourhood roads when I had a feeling that I might not do very well. Ok, it's actually the feeling of being embarrassed that's telling me to not ride it.
I compromised with that feeling and told my husband that I'd like to start off in our backyard. And thank God, we have a big backyard of GRASS!
So, off I went, happily riding, thinking I can do it, when all of a sudden, I couldn't get past a patch of grass and tipped over. My left foot clicked in the midst of it and I fell face down with my nose and mouth hitting the grass. What a pretty sight.
Thank God it was grass that I hit.
Laid there for a second in stunned silence, then felt the pain in my ankle.. That one took a couple of minutes to stop tearing me apart.
I was able to walk, but woke up in the morning feeling strained.
Went for a Chinese massage for the back and foot remedial massage and I felt much better.
Well, this fall has just put me out of action for a few days. Good excuse to not carry the 2 y.o., but still having to do school drop-offs and pick-ups is still a chore. Resting the body as much as I can, yet still trying to give it the circulation it needs.
I'm glad my children recover very quickly from a fall! They don't seem to have all these muscle aches. I am old. Probably need the exercise too.
Getting over illnesses is easy. A good sleep for a day, plenty of vitamins, water and soup will do me well. But with these sprains and aches, I'll just have to wear it out.
Till the next try, I'm going to rest my body.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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