You must be thinking what a strange title to give to a post. Well, that's mostly what it was this week. After 4 days of school holidays, my landline was cut into two because my new neighbour mowed it through. Long story, but the telephone line has been sticking out of our front window and into the power box underground for the past 5 years. Anyway, with the landline cut, our internet was also disconnected.
Nobody's here to fix it yet. My husband got tired of waiting and so he applied for a new mobile data plan for me. I've been using the mobile data the last few days. It's wonderful to have some form of internet, but data is precious at the moment and also sporadic.
So, while I'm here, I thought I'd better do a quick write-up.
School holidays went really well despite the lack of internet connection. Not that I allow my children on the internet, but it's more for me to entertain myself.
But you see, without internet, there's no reason for me to jump onto the computer to 'do work'. No facebook, no search engines, just quality time with my children. There are inconveniences - my urgent emails were delayed, I made more phone calls which ended up with higher mobile phone bills, I couldn't do online chats and phone calls with my family overseas. But, the pros were more than the cons during this week.
We went to parks, watched shows at the shops, did crafts, met up with friends, stayed home, did impromptu fun and silly stuff and just enjoyed one another's company. We even visited friends who were sick.
In short, I reckon I need to turn off the internet once in awhile to make myself get in touch with my own family. Especially during school holidays when we can all spend time together.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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