Was at church yesterday and had quite a few people ask how I am.
When the third person asked me that question, I seriously thought about it.
I don't know about you, but ever since I became a mum, I've had difficulties answering that question.
Every time someone asks, "How are you?" I would answer, "Very well!" or " I'm fine, thank you!"
But today, to the third person who asked me, I told him that that was a million dollar question.
You see, it's not that I want to brush off that question, but I really don't know where to start answering. Everyday is different. I wake up to different challenges and temperaments.
Yesterday, with that question, the thoughts that went through my mind zapped across in a flurry :
I haven't been eating well, so I'm not fine.
I desperately need sleep, so I'm not fine.
I'm freezing in this wintery day, so I'm not fine.
My girls refused to go
to Sunday school. Finally left one at Sunday school crying
and another one came with me to the adult service. So, I'm not fine.
On the other hand...
My girls gave me another 10 mins to sleep-in in the morning, I felt great!
My girls gave me another 10 mins to sleep-in in the morning, I felt great!
We managed to leave the house early for church without much fuss, I felt great!
We've booked tickets to visit family and friends overseas and I'm feeling on top of the world!
I did a load of washing and hung up the clothes before church and that's one thing off my to-do list! Wonderful!
On the whole, I'm feeling "not too bad" and that was what I told him.
So, next time if I were to look at you with a strange look and saying, "Not too bad," I mean it.