Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Pushing boundaries

It was Queen's Birthday Public Holiday yesterday and we had a rainy day at home. Not my idea of a beautiful holiday, but it'll have to do. :)

On Sunday night, we had a little friend come and have a sleepover. We've known one another for years and we'd be what most people call family friends.

So, this young man aged 4, came and had dinner with us. Miss 5 bossed him around and sleep time was delayed. I suppose that's what happens at sleepovers? I never had one, so I'm guessing. Didn't bother me, as the next day would be a public holiday and there's no need to put the alarm on.

Mr. 4 decided that he didn't want to sleep. I told him that we'd be having pancakes for breakfast and if he wants some, he'd better keep his head on the mattress and shut his eyes. Gone into dreamland within 5 mins.

Forward to Queen's Birthday holiday.

All the children woke up and started playing. I cooked the pancakes.

"Time for breakfast," I called. "Put away the toys!"

"But Aunty Yining, I didn't play with that toy. H did."

"Mummy, N made the mess."

"Well, if you want pancakes, then you will all have to help put the toys away. Breakfast won't start till the toys go back to where they belong." I helped them with the packing and we were at the table within 10 mins.

Sigh, all that whinging won't get the toys to go back. Reminded me of Mary Poppins and wishing that I could just do the finger clicking to get the toys into the boxes and cupboards.

Now, Mr. 4 is anaphylactic. He can't have tree nuts. We all know that.

During the course of breakfast, he asked for chocolate spread. It's Nutella. Has tree nuts. So, I told him that he's not allowed any, but I can give him some honey.

He took the honey and Miss 5 decided to 'share'. I heard, "Don't tell my mum, ok? Just a little bit."

If you're a mum and you hear this, your radar goes up on red alert. So, I turned and watched them. There was something on Mr. 4's pancakes that Miss 5 gave to him and they were having a secret conversation.

Didn't take me long to realise that Miss 5 had spread a finger tip size of Nutella on Mr. 4's pancakes.

You should see me run to the dining table from the kitchen. It's not too far, but I must have made it in record time. My record.

Took the pancake away, and gave Miss 5 a good scolding.

Then, it was time to go home. Miss 5 and Mr. 4 were reluctant. Mr. 4 dragged on and on about not wanting to go home and Miss 5 helped by offering stickers, toys to play with, etc.

It all ended well. We all had fun, it was a short sleepover, but a manageable one. Looking forward to the next one, but maybe not all the boundary testing parts. :)

I wonder what God was thinking as he watches me deal with these children. I can just imagine Him sitting on His throne, saying, "I have to go through this millions and billions of time since the start of creation," But it gives me an insight of how I have grieved Him everytime I push at His boundaries for me. I'm glad that He's all-knowing and will discipline, direct and love me at all times. Sphere: Related Content

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