Having been a schoolie mum for a term, I'm getting used to the routine and is able to manage my time a little better.
It has been a steep learning curve as there was no easing into it. It was wham-bang 8:45am - 3pm school hours from the first day.
School lunches are getting easier to pack and school-play routine more or less sorted out.
We still get readers in the bag to read everyday, but with an earlier dinner, we are able to enjoy it a lot better, rather than rushing for the Preppie to shut her eyes and sleep.
I have learnt that it's ok to let some things slip by. We had 9 weeks of school in Term 1 and by week 8, Miss 5y.o. had difficulties waking up in the morning. I have been packing breakfast in the car and letting her sleep in a little. There are two sides to the argument. One will say no, they need to learn the consequences of waking up late, or they need the discipline to be up at that time whether they like it or not. My side of the argument is, I'd rather pack breakfast and let her eat in the car than have a grumpy and cranky child to start the day off. That extra 10-15 mins really helps to get her spirits right. After all, if I had woken her up 10-15 mins earlier, I'll be battling her to eat her breakfast for that time frame anyway.
While I have no intention to teach my children that sleeping in when duty calls is ok, I do want them to know that we are not perfect and once in awhile it is ok to just go in late and apologise for waking up late. She has worked hard during the day and she does need the sleep to bring her through another day.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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