It's been over a year since my last blog post and the main changes would be having a baby added to the family.
I've quite forgotten what it's like to have sleepless nights until Miss H was born. This one is different from the first which I very quickly found out.
She refuses to drink cow's milk.
She refuses to take the teat.
She is fully breast-fed.
She grows faster than I can change her wardrobe.
She stood up before she could turn herself or crawl.
She climbed steps before she could walk.
There are so many differences that I feel like I'm learning to be a mum all over again. All the experiences from the first child just flew out the window.
However, there's one thing in common between the two girls. They are both miss independents. They know what they want and will persist till they get it.
This reminds me of two parables in the Bible in the book of Luke. One is the persistent widow who asked the judge to right a wrong and the other is of a man who knocked on his friend's door to ask for food. Both eventually received what they asked for because of their persistence.
I see the same persistence in my children. They will keep on at it till I give it to them. It'll have to be something that is suitable for their age. If only, as an adult, I have the same persistence as they do, in praying and seeking God! There is plenty to learn from the simple faith of our children!
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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