Had day care children yesterday and by the end of the day, I was exhausted, as usual. It's strange what children can do to one's energy levels. Mine seem to get sucked away so quickly.
During our indoors play time, the three 2.5year olds decided to role play doctors and mummy and made me the child. While my girl was busy instructing me what to do, the other two were happy to be her assistants in "torturing" me.
So there I was, following instructions as to what to do.
"Mummy, lie down!" commanded my girl.
"Needle for you," she said, and generously jabbed me on the arms and legs.
"Mummy cry, waah waah." I did and it brought laughter all around.
My girl left my side. There was a period of silence and I heard running feet and sounds of paper rustling. My little girl came back to my side with tissue in her hands and repeated her instruction again, "Mummy cry, waah, waah." I did and this time, she dabbed my eyes with the tissue in her hand.
"Mummy, blow your nose." I did and she wiped my nose too.
Sweet. =)
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago
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