Ever had one of those simple yet difficult to answer questions from your children?
I was caught off guard by this one some time back when it rained for a few days.
My 6 year old asked me this while we were out for a walk. She saw the dark clouds in the sky and asked, "Mummy, why does it rain when the clouds are dark?"
A dozen thoughts flashed through my mind : How do I explain the water cycle? How do I explain how clouds are formed? Why do the clouds turn dark? etc.
Then, by the grace of God, He gave me a very simple yet relevant explanation. Here goes!
I told her, that clouds contain water. When it gets really heavy with water, it turns really grey and dark. When it cannot hold the water any longer, it will rain. I can tell from the look in her eyes that she still didn't quite understand.
Then I used the analogy of our bladder. I said that the clouds are just like our bladder. It contains the water that we eat or drink that is not absorbed by the rest of the body. When the bladder gets really full, like the dark clouds, we need to go to the toilet and wee. Similarly, when the clouds get really full, it has to release the water and do a 'wee'.
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Robin by Julane Hiebert
9 years ago