Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Mommy Test

Came across this on

I'm glad I passed the test! :)

The Mommy Test 

I was out walking with my then 4 year old daughter. She picked up something off the ground and started to put it in her mouth. I asked her not to do that. Why?" ' Because it's been laying outside and is dirty and probably has germs."

At this point, she looked at me with total admiration and asked, "Wow! Howdo you know all this stuff?"

"Uh," I was thinking quickly, " . . . everyone knows this stuff. Um, it's on the Mommy test. You have to know it, or they don't let you be a Mommy." Oh."

We walked along in silence for 2 or 3 minutes, but she was evidently pondering this new information. "I get it!" she beamed. "Then if you flunk, you have to be the Daddy." 

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I can do all things...

I pride myself for being independent, efficient and organised when being asked to do things.

People had also given me the same comments.

However, the last three weeks were just a mess. Absolute mess. I have never seen myself in such mess before.

What happened? I fell sick. It is bad enough to be sick. It is worse to have children to look after when you're sick.

When my children fall sick, I can still operate around them. However, God struck me with such illness that I had to admit that I am no superwoman.

It started with a sore throat, then a headache, then fever, cough and runny nose. The fever really brought me down. I lived on panadol for 4 days but the temperature wouldn't subside. By the 5th day, I had to call for help. It was mid-day and I realised that I didn't have the energy to cook. Thankfully for a churchmate who lived a street away who could cook dinner for us.

I thought that would be the only help I'll ask for. But no. By 5 pm, I wasn't moving at all. I sat in the middle of the kitchen and didn't have the energy to heat up dinner for my girls. So, another phone call was made to the pastor's wife who came straight away.

She heated up food in the microwave, put them on the table, fed the girls and read a story to my eldest. And she didn't have her dinner when she left at 7:30pm.

Throughout the week, I had to admit my inadequacy. Dinners were delivered, the house was in a mess and I just laid in bed.

Finally after a week of bed rest, I was feeling so much better. But, I had to carry my 15 month old and do a cough. Pulled a cartilage in the process of doing so. And that caused another week of immobility.

Had to call a friend to come in and help look after the girls that evening. Thank God she lives nearby and is familiar with the girls. We had takeaway dinner that night. I couldn't lift my arm. The whole of my left body was in pain.

Panadol and physio therapies were my only sanity. I'm still resting it out, but am getting better. I told my mummy friends that I felt like I just went through another caesarean with the amount of painkillers that I had swallowed.

My husband has had to get up in the middle of the night to pacify the little one. He never had to do that because we agreed that I'd have the children so that he could sleep through and have a good work day. But the last couple of weeks were so bad for me that he had to attend to the girls. We have grown a deeper appreciation for each other and through it all, deepened our love for each other.

It was tough to obey and submit to my husband's orders to lie down and rest. I knew that he was tired from work, but I also realised that if I had tried to do any more than what I should, we will see no end to this. Doing nothing was not my motto, but it had to be that way for the last two weeks.

Not only were there household chores to manage, there was church ministries to attend to. And through all these illnesses and injury, I now understand what Philippians 4:13 means when it says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Truly, without the God who gives me breath, strength and help from family and friends, I can do nothing. Had He not granted me the ability to keep going, I would have crumbled.

In another verse, God's strength is seen in our weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9 But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me.

Not that I'll be boasting about how wonderful it was to be sick and immobile, but that God has provided and made my days smooth. He has supplied abundantly for us in food and in help. He has supplied energy when I felt like the world was crashing in.

I can do all things? No. Only through the one and only God who strengthens me. Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What is in a name?

How long does it take for you to name your children? Took us the whole pregnancy and a few more days after birth. Actually, maybe even before pregnancy. When we decided that we'll try for another baby, we started throwing out names once in awhile to seek each other's opinions.

We always come up with both boys' and girls' names. Just in case. It's fun to run through names and check out each other's responses. I think it's very stressful to be dealing with children and names at the same time.

For both our children we have names ready for the hospital. A few of them, in fact. I'm glad we both are parents who need to see their children first before naming them, because I am this kind of person. If my husband wasn't, I'd be living in frustration and doubt throughout the pregnancy wondering if the name fits my child.

There's been quite a lot of news about celebrity baby names and to be honest, I sympathise with the children. Why do celebrities' children have to have odd names?

Was it last year that a Chinese couple wanted to name their child @. Then another couple wanting to name their child Facebook?

It really took us a good 6 months to come up with a list of names and then narrowing it down to final three. For both girls. The first one was easy as we already had names in mind. The second one was trickier as our favourite girls' name was taken.

Some have asked why it took us so long to decide upon a name. I always respond with this : A name is for life. It has to be fitting, meaningful, and the child proud to be called by. They will be using their given name the rest of their lives. Why make it difficult for them?

We are all called by God to be His children. He knows us by our names, our characters, our thoughts and deeds. God has put in a lot of thought into the making of a baby that will one day grow into an adult. Then, shouldn't we, as stewards of God, should put in a bit more thought into our children's names?

A friend inboxed me recently asking how I gave my girls their Chinese names. One of the suggestions I gave to her is to pray about it. Not trying to boast of how holy I am, which I can tell you I am far from! But that if God had given us this kicking little life to be brought up, I'm sure He has in mind a name for him/her. For both my girls, God has placed circumstances in our way to guide us in naming our children. He cares for all our needs, every little thing. If God can give names to people in the Bible, He sure can do it today.

The next time you're pregnant and is stuck for names, pray. God will provide.
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