Thursday, June 24, 2010

Social Vibe widget

I've added a widget on the side. Right at the bottom..

If you're with Blogger or perhaps even Wordpress, they have this widget called Social Vibe that you can add on to your sidebars to help support charities. Blog owners don't pay anything for it, readers don't pay anything for it. The way you can support is by ansering a few survey questions sponsored by brand names or other companies. They in turn will donate the money to the charity of the named widget.

So, help out, if you can. Just a minute or two after reading my blog, give the widget a click.

Thanks for helping others around the world. Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

No nappies during the day!

Very pleased with Miss 2 today. We had a nappy-free day! No accidents, but constant reminder. I would ask her every 45 mins if she needed to go to the toilet.

Sometimes she would voluntarily tell me that she needed to do a wee. Once, she went to the toilet on her own.

Sigh.. my baby is finally growing up.

We bought some nappy pants for the night and for going out.. just in case the idea hasn't quite stuck on her. Maybe I underestimate my daughter's ability. Maybe I just don't want her to grow up yet?!

Nevertheless, nappy-free is good. Less things to add to the landfill. Less spending on wipes and nappies. But there could be quite a lot more washing to do. Sphere: Related Content

Friday, June 18, 2010

All good at last

After what seemed like a month long of illnesses, I'm glad to say that we're all 100% today! Not sure about tomorrow. =)

Whatever that stomach bug was, it wasn't pleasant. Extremely glad to be over it and be up and about doing things as usual.

Babysitting is fun without worry of reports! Hooray! Thank God for great families who still bring their children over to play with Phoebe and myself! Sphere: Related Content

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stomach blues

Wonder if I'm the only one having stomach upsets? Not the diarrhoea kind of upset, but like cramps and sometimes acute pains.

Had it yesterday and today too. Would be functioning alright mostly, but the nagging queasiness and gentle pain (if there's such a term for pain!) wears me out very quickly. Didn't help that my menstrual cycle decided to come at the same time.  I managed to last till 8pm last night and fell asleep at bedtime Bible reading with Miss 2. Thank God for husband who made me go to bed.

Off to bed I did, and didn't wake up till 6:30am to another round of queasiness.

Had plenty of ginger and honey tea. Couldn't eat much. It hurts not to eat, but it hurts more to eat and drink. Hopefully it's just a bug and will go off soon. Sphere: Related Content

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Cloth Nappies : Monk N Bear

Thanks to SandyJ who reminded about my post on cloth nappies to update it.

I did blog on it, but on another blog. Shame on me for forgetting this one here.

Anyway, the summary of it is, I love it, and will be doing more cloth nappies with my second one. I doubt I'll buy more this time round, as Miss 2 is getting better at going to the toilet while at home with just her panties on.

Sphere: Related Content

Animated Oxygen Video

Learn about oxygen in this cute 3D animation. What a clever way to teach science!

Oxygen from Christopher Hendryx on Vimeo. Sphere: Related Content

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Feeling sick

Haven't been feeling well the last few days. Had a slight sore throat and a headache. Back has been aching and could hardly stand for long periods of time.

Symptoms of a cold. I've been doubling my vitamin C and water intake. With lots of ginger tea and honey. More gargles with mouthwash and salt.

Slept like a log last night. Went to bed at 8pm and only woke up at 6:15 this morning. I am much much better now. The headache's gone and so is the sore throat. A cough has develop, but only slightly and the backache's almost gone. I'll do another good sleep tonight and that should fix the body up.

When I was younger, I used to marvel at how quickly my mum recovers from her illnesses. I used to take 1-2 days to get the fever down! But, ever since I became a mum, God seemed to have performed some miracle in my body and I would feel better after a good night's sleep.

Perhaps it's God's way of saying, "Time for a break. Sleep, and you will be recharged for the next lap."

If you're a mum, you'd understand that it's a busy life. It's almost impossible to fall sick. Actually, you probably wouldn't have time to fall sick. And really, it's hard to ignore the symptoms with children running havoc in the house. A headache is so easily detected nowadays.

So, time to stop, rest, and let God heal the body. Sphere: Related Content